Deciding What To Do With Your Life

Deciding What To Do With Your Life

Indecisiveness is my specialty. For so many years I thought it was a bad thing, I didn't know what I wanted to do and I thought that I never would. I spent all 5 of my college years figuring out the answer to this and I still left with an expensive piece of paper and...

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Balancing your Happiness

Balancing your Happiness

As I sit and stare at the black tv screen that says "Do you wish to continue watching?" I realize how long I've been watching Netflix and I start to feel bad. But why? Why do I feel bad when this is relaxing me? I know it's not yoga or a bubble bath or a run on the...

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Get ready to be inspired!

I’m Megan, the Life Stylist who chellenges women to step outside their comfort zone and into a life they are obsessed with!