Remember when you were a little girl? Making friends was so easy. You found someone on the playground that was doing something that looked fun to you, asked them if you could play too and boom you either had a new friend. Or they said no, you ran over to mom who soothed you and promised you would find another friend.

Or even in school, you sat around people who were your age, you found people who had things in common with you and ta-da new friends.

Typically you’ll keep the same friends for years. Until life happens and something changes whether that be in your environment, or within yourself.

For me, after college I moved out of my hometown where my all of my high school and college friends stayed. And as if that wasn’t enough, I completely deconstructed my life as it was and wrote myself a new story. My values changed, I grew as a human, my belief patterns changed. So here I was in a new environment, looking for girls who wanted to hang out in a deep and meaningful way. I suddenly felt like the little girl on the playground everyone kept saying no to.

As I moved into my season of personal growth, in my commitment to becoming the best version of me, for me, that there ever was. In connecting with my higher power and knowing that I am here on purpose and get to live on purpose. Some of my friends looked at me a little bit puzzled.

And I totally get it.

Because had you told 4 years ago Megan that she would be diving into the depths of my soul, working with coaches on the pieces I buried deep in a hidden and locked box, all while experimenting with crystals and using meditation for calm… I would have thought you were absolutely off your rocker, certifiably insane.

Your growth is your business.

Some people won’t get it.

Some people won’t be along for the ride.

And honestly… some people may judge you for it.

That is all okay. Because this life here that you are living on purpose, is for you, the people that want the best for you will come along for the ride.

You have a choice in everything. Who’s in your inner circle is a choice, are they here for your best intentions or do they take you back a step or is it simply not a fit anymore? Not everything has to be toxic in order to let it go, it could just be ambiguous.

Everyone in your life thus far has served a purpose at the time they shared with you. And as you shift and grow it is only natural that your relationships shift and grow too.

So that brings us to… but how?! How do I make new friends as an adult?! And how do I make friends who are in complete alignment with me and my values.

Get clear

The first step to most things! What do you really want and why do you want that? Is what you are desire to call into your life really your core belief or is it the dust of an old story you are believing?

I’ll give you a sneak peak into the sisters I was calling in to my life. I wanted women who believed in me, women who would really hear me and at the same time open me up to new perspective shifts. I wanted women who shared my values in growth. Why was this important to me? Because I wanted to trust these women. I wanted to know that I could share my heart and it would be safe.

Be visible

Your friends aren’t hanging out in your living room. You have to get out to find the connections you crave. As silly as it sounds, this didn’t quite click for me. I kept saying I wanted new girlfriends in my life, but then I didn’t change anything to create relationships. Where are your friends hanging out? Be there.

I would show up to meet up groups, try new workout classes, and even ask people to have virtual coffee chats when I met a gal I vibed with online!


If you connect with someone that you enjoyed conversation with or really felt like your energy matched, then ask them to hang out! It’s like being on the playground again. We lose our courage to just be the girl who boldly says, “can I play with you?!” No expectation of a yes, just knowing what we want and going for it.

Now… someone may look at you just a little strange if you say, “can I play with you?” As a full grown adult. But… I have faith that you can communicate! Nothing wrong with saying, “I really enjoyed this conversation, we should grab a coffee or something sometime!”

If it’s a yes… AMAZING! Maybe you found your new friend. If it’s a no… that’s okay, the vibe wasn’t there and you are looking for soul connecting friendships.

Here is what I now know to be true about girlfriends:

+ Speak out your truth so she knows she is not walking alone

+ I am an imperfect human, as is she, when we stand in that together we create ease

+ Soul connecting friendships are about understanding, openness, and amplifying all your amazing qualities

+ It’s weird to not be weird… ha ha.

And above all else I now know: My truth is not judged by those who really matter because they accept who I am in whole. My space is open. I feel like I have an abundance of gratitude and love and goodness to give to the world AND if these people can accept me as I am, then I know that I can.

The friendships that I have created and allowed myself to flourish in this year have been so healing for me. I finally feel heard and seen, in everything that I am.

You, sister, deserve friends like this. You are worthy of friends that “get you.” Friends that HEAR you. Friends that open up new doors for you.

Your people are out there, time to call them in.

You’ll be so glad you did.

Get ready to be inspired!

I’m Megan, a life coach for women who challenges you to get OUT of your own head and into a life you are obsessed with!

Ready to be obsessed with your life?

I help women create balance in life before burn out so they can have it all.

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