Is your current answer to “how’s it going?”
                        > “Good, I’ve been so busy.”

Is it really good though?

Or does it just feel like a good thing to say because the society we live in now associates busy with success?

Is there a direct correlation between taking so much action and seeing results? Or maybe between hustling until your eyeballs fall out so you can reach the success you’ve been craving.

But if you take all of that action and then see nothing in return but burnout and stress, was the hustle really worth it?

Powering through life is not going to get you to the results you desire.

Powering through life is going to get you to massive burnout.

So while you feel like you’re getting it all done, you’re missing out on so much in life by choosing busy constantly.

What if being busy constantly was actually sabotaging your results?

Spoiler alert: It is.

The greatest creations, moments of clarity, and solutions come in times of space, not busy.

The result you want isn’t just the thing, it’s a feeling. Maybe it’s happiness, freedom, or safety. All of those feelings can exist now, not in your next milestone, and the more you lean into these now the more you amplify their creation.

Being busy 24/7 is a choice, you are ultimately the one in control of your time. To come back to balance so you can full live, is also a choice. So how do we get there…

Here are three steps to take to break up with busy:

1. Time Evaluation


Everything you have on your schedule currently is there because you said yes to it. The job that drains you but is using the majority of your time… you said yes to. The twenty after school activities your children are in… you said yes to. The business to do list that goes on from 8am-11pm… you said yes to. Get the pattern? Time is the only resource we can never get back. I don’t know about you… but I definitely do not want to waste something I can never get back again on anything less than my deepest desires, wild happiness, and greatest goals.

It’s time to evaluate your time, so you can balance out.

Where are you spending the most time? Does that reflect your priorities?

Where do you have time gaps in your day? What are you using those for?

What time do you need to create the feeling you really desire?

2. Needs check in

That last question filters in beautifully to this next point. To live balanced is to live intentionally, that means you are choosing your action not mindlessly moving through life on autopilot busy mode. If you want to break up with busy, then you need to stop to check in with what you need. This is how you will truly stop to create space in your day for solutions.

Start simple.

Simply start each day asking yourself, what do I need?

And when you catch yourself in the mode of busy, pause and come back to that same question.

3. Establish your non-negotiables

Everyone has that one thing that almost immediately brings them back to peace and bliss. You have to start adding these things that create calm even through the chaos into your day. What are a few things that are musts for your clarity? A few things that break up the noise and allow you to tune into those needs from point two.

Have no idea where to begin? Grab the free clarity journal guide here!

Make these non-negotiable in your days and weeks in order for you to achieve everything you desire. These are just as, if not more, important than any to do list. These are your sanity savers, your clarity creators, these are the pieces that will bring you back to balance.

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