Hey Gorgeous, I am so happy to see you here!
I’m Megan Seamans.
I believe you are here on purpose and it is time to show up for the REAL you!
You are the girl that is go go go.
The last person to ask for help because “you’ve got it.”
You’re no stranger to working hard.
You have had two, three, four jobs at once.
Your fav answer to how are you? Is “I’m fine” or “Ugh, busy”
You lend a hand to everyone that needs it.
[Shout out to my people pleasers]
Positivity is your mask for confidence.
You have #alloftheideas.
But you’re scared to start on them and you are afraid to admit that. And when you really start to think of #allofthethings you get overwhelmed af!
You feel like you have to be positive. You have to be the light for everyone. You have to have it all together.
WOAH... did I just read your mind?! How'd I know... Because I was that girl too. But hold up wait... Let's get to know each other a little so things don't get weird.
I am Megan Seamans, the girl in all the photos around here, because that would be weird if I wasn’t (hey, this is easy!)…
I’m Megan and I am Life Coach for women. I challenge women to get out of their own head and into a life they are obsessed with!
I am on the pursuit to help YOU find your purpose in this crazy life, to help you truly shine in every season. I am here to guide you out of your cozy comfort zone couch (old sweatpants, tub of ice cream, and all) and cheer you out of your dusty old stories. I want to show you how much happiness you are [truly] surrounded by, show you that no dream is unobtainable. And basically kick fears ass along the way!

Three truths I live by and believe you can too:
1 | You are here on purpose and there is no time to waste stepping into that.
2 | No amount of guilt will change the past and no amount of stress will change the future.
3 | Your inner reality is the most important part of your life, it is what builds [or halts] your success, confidence and external desires.
It isn’t only about having the super successful business, or creating the dream freedom plan; it is about creating a life in whole that you are so in love with.
M y J o u r n e y:
You are here for a reason. You stumbled across my page on just an average day, maybe you were scrolling through Instagram or checking out Pinterest quotes. And you landed right here, in my online home. I don’t believe in coincidences. I believe in divine timing. And you are here because you are tired of living a life that constantly feels “turned on”. You are exhausted.
I hear ya sister! I have been in that exact same fed up, sick and tired of wondering when it was my turn for happiness, spot. And I stumbled across a page a little bit like this one too, and my life changed forever.
But I’m getting a little ahead of myself here.
I can’t fit my entire life story here on this page… well I guess I could… but we would have ourselves a bit of a How I Met Your Mother situation here. And no one has time for that. [Save that kind of time for a good Netflix binge]
This particular piece of my journey starts with university Megan. I was making my way through college, getting good grades like I was supposed to, working my part time job(s) to pay rent. I smiled a lot, I looked like I was having loads of fun, I had good friends, cute Instagram worthy relationships. But if you looked under the surface, you would see a lot of s***.. that I didn’t want to face, I didn’t want to believe. I was fueled by words from toxic relationships, filled with feelings of being “less than” because of past mistakes, I was exaushted, so exaushted and not just from pretending to have fun at overly crowded parties and bars but from making every one else around me happy, except for one important person… me.
I changed my major once a semester… twice sometimes. Everything sounded so fun, until it didn’t.
I was in a lot of pain, that I got really good at numbing out with a smile.
I felt lost just about 100% of the time, and passion meant nothing to me. What’d I do for fun? Uhhh…. go out and maybe work out on occassion.
Don’t get me wrong I had good people in my life; friends that made me laugh, parents that supported every phone call that started with, “so I went to my guidance counsler today.” But I felt like I was having an identity crisis.
My mind was overrun with one thought: WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?!
I was doing everything that I was “supposed to do,” following the formula that everyone else was, so why did I feel so lost?!
Does anyone else feel like this?! If I say this outloud will everyone think I am a weirdo?! Why does this feel so hard?
I always felt like I was in the wrong place.
As I was making my way through my senior year, getting a communications degree, I was sitting in a freezing cold auditorium scrolling through Pinterest looking at those gorgeous over the water bungalows thinking… “those are nice… but I’ll never be the person that gets to go see something like that.”
And something inside of me snapped. Why couldn’t I be that person? Why can’t I go see the world and create so much more than this? If I don’t want to be here… why am I?!
I was tired of smiling when I was so not fine.
I was tired of giving so much of my heart away.
I was tired on living a life that felt like I was on cruise control.
I walked across my graduation stage, with a five year bachelors degree and vowed to not live in something this long that felt so WRONG.
I didn’t know what I wanted right there, but I knew that I had the power to make it happen. And from that moment on every step I took was outside of my comfort zone.

I moved out of state. I started an online business to learn everything I could about owning a business. I networked my little booty off. I landed on a page just like this and finally my passions all clicked together. I felt every single feeling I numbed out over the years. Fell in love that felt like fire in my soul. I sold everything in my apartment to travel around the globe. I failed gracefully a lot.
Nothing happened overnight. I am human. It wasn’t easy by any means. But I found support, I found my soul tribe, I invested in my dream coach, I found role models, I connected to my higher power, I tried everything that sounded fun once… as long as it didn’t stop me from doing the next thing.
I am living wildly free. And I am obsessed with it.
Now it’s your turn!!!
Start your journey…
You are not broken.
Or lost.
Or confused.
Or anxious.
You just need to wake up.
Wake up from the cruise control life you set yourself on.
Wake up from what you’ve been doing for other people all these years.
Wake up to the fact that you already know who you are at your very core.
Start here: What do I know for sure?
My background & Fancy things:
I have a shiny [& expensive…ha] Bachelors in Communications
I trained with the Beautiful You Life Coaching Academy.

How about some fun facts?!
2. 30-second dance parties have to happen amidst a work day… frequently.
3. Adventure is always calling… my bucket list? Stepping foot on every continent… more time in all but Antartica, please.
4. Burrrr, being cold is not my jam. I like to chase summer!
5. Guilty pleasure? Watching The Bachelor and The Bachelorette – Every Season. I. Can’t. Stop.
6. The next skill I would love to learn: Resin painting!
7. Favorite place around the globe (so far): Hawaii
8. I have three little tattoos with BIG meaning.
9. I’ve had two lung surgeries and completed a half marathon… tell me I can’t do something and watch me do it.
10. I have a thing for the moon.
Let’s write your story, shall we?!
As seen in...