Dear extraordinary you,
This is the moment you change it all. The moment you get unstuck and breathe life back into your purpose. This is the moment you set yourself free.
Let me take a guess why you’re here…
You’re feeling tired, exhausted really. Even though there’s time at the end of the day for your favorite Netflix binge and some Ben and Jerry’s, you just don’t have the capacity for anymore. At the same time, you’re a day dreamer… You feel stuck somewhere between a “fine” life and something MORE.
You’re typically the last person to ask for help because “you’ve got it,” and that’s starting to catch up, you’re usually so positive but you find yourself feeling a little bitter, angry even.
You’ve been cruising through life following what you’re “supposed to,” checking all the boxes and you’ve even found some amazing success along the way but something is still sitcky. You feel like you have to have it all together, all the time and it is draining you out.

You’re here because there was a small nudge that you can’t really explain. It was a quiet nudge but powerful. It’s persistent too, like a whisper you cannot ignore anymore.
You’re here because you’re ready to make a new decision. You’re ready to do something differently because what you’re currently doing isn’t working.
Maybe I caught you in an Instagram scroll or flipping through your inbox or maybe it was complete serendipity that landed you here.
Whatever your path was, you feel this calling to change.
You’re ready to stop living by burnout and “I don’t knows” and start living a life fully alive!
Woah, woah, woah… I know what you’re thinking… ‘I thought you were a Coach, not a mind reader… What is going on here?!’
I know. Not because I’m a mind reader, but because I’ve sat exactly where you are. It was an Instagram scroll for me, one photo, one website binge, one free call with a life coach from across the globe booked. That was the moment I changed my life.
Welcome to the start of your next chapter…
I have a feeling it’s going to be a good one!

Hello there, I’m Megan!
Since 2017, I’ve been working as a Life & Energy Coach, Speaker, and Author supporting women globally to stop second guessing themselves and awaken their magic.
When I’m not coaching I’m either traveling the world – half of my heart lives in Scotland, doing acro yoga with my love, or Netflix binging (I’m a chronic rewatcher, you might find me in a favorite episode of: Game of Thrones, Outlander, The Office, Friends)
My clients call me the Clarity Queen because just like magic, I’ll help you turn your overwhelm into clarity and your doubt into purpose.
I know you were made to lead a life by design, I know you were born with magic in your DNA.
I didn’t always live this story, I decided to become the author. You have the power to rewrite too.
I hit my rock bottom before I saw the light of my 20’s and because of it I found myself caught in too many toxic patterns to count. People pleasing – check, following the should’s – check, worthiness wounds – check, sisterhood wounds – check, leadership wounds – check. I was living a life, but I wasn’t really here. It was like I was on autopilot just moving through.
I’d like to tell you it was my rock bottom that changed it all for me, but truly I drowned out a few years of my life before I woke up.
It’s not the ten years of therapy that changes our life, it’s not the rock bottom, it’s certainly not following some pre-laid out path that worked for hundreds of other people.
It’s the one moment that changes your life. It’s often subtle, much more subtle than we expect. I know I was waiting for God the almighty to come down and hand me a golden scroll that says I’d finished my time of suffering. *Face palm*
I lived frozen in the miserable for a long time until a quiet nudge that changed it all.
I heard a voice that called for change — and for the first time ever, I listened in.
One decision to move states and start a new chapter kickstarted one of the most wild rides of my life.
⟡ When you choose to make that one decision, and I mean really choose it, it creates a ripple effect across your entire life. ⟡

After starting my first business, in what felt like a simple social media scroll, personal development found it’s way into my life. I consumed all of the podcasts and books and blog posts. I focused on me and I made new decisions.
From there — life moved pretty quickly into the extraordinary, I built 3 businesses, bought my first one way plane ticket, lived in other countries, dove in the Maldives with the love of my life, hiked volcanoes… life was grand.
Then in 2018, sitting on a rooftop in Thailand I received a text from my mom that my brother had been paralyzed from the waist down from a pretty vicious tumor. I made my way home back to the states just in time to be with him 2 weeks before he passed away under the light of the crescent moon.
Everything shattered. I was feeling completely burnt out realizing I had been going, going, going for 2 years straight. I was living by other people’s stories of success. Not to mention, I seemed to pile up a mountain of debt along the way. So, I burned it all to the ground.
Have you ever had a moment like that? Where life probably looks good to others on the outside but you just can’t take it anymore… you just want to burn it to the ground and start again?
Life doesn’t stop moving just because you found “success,” life was good but I was operating in a way that wasn’t really sustainable for me.
At that moment I realized, I never fully faced all of those patterns that were still buzzing in the background of my extraordinary story.
I started learning about our unique energy through Human Design and how to create sustainable, balanced success for our individual self… How to truly live your magic because in the end, that is truly the greatest gift we can give to the world.
I detangled all of the conditioning, owned my past, and placed beautiful manifestations in my future.
I went from living a surface level extraordinary life to truly living a life fully alive. Even in the seasons of hard, the seasons of anxiety… there is peace.
About those manifestations… I paid off all my debt in 18 months, felt ease in rocky seasons, built a business around sustainable success for me, I’m in the healthiest relationship of my life, I travel well and often. I lead my life. And most importantly I feel each moment. I feel it all. And wow is it so, SO sweet.
All of that magic took one moment of decision. One moment to decide to walk a different path.
I can’t help but spread that kind of magic around like a confetti popper at your birthday party.

Here’s What I Know For Sure For You…
No matter where you’re at — whether it’s the rock bottom or the massive wall of burnout. If you’re feeling like time is standing still and rushing way too fast all at one time…
I know for sure that there is a world of limitless possibilities waiting for you.
Now let’s find the most beautiful, life affirming, adventurous way to bring your wild vision to life!
In one swift move, you go from victim to victor. It’s the moment we make a decision, a decision to believe in a new story that truly changes it all. We can think about it all day, dream about it, we can even write in our journal about it — but until we decide to move differently, nothing changes.
I know with complete certainty that when you pair potent action with your unique energetic blueprint, you become fully magnetic to your extraordinary life.

Coach Education:

Certified Human Design Reader through Blueprint Pro
☾ I’m a 4/6 Self Projected Projector with strengths in clarity, story telling, and voice
☾ Scotland is my heart home. Current biggest manifestation in the works: An actual second home in Scotland (preferably with a sheep farm, I’m unattached)
☾ I’m married to a wonderful man who is also a Projector in Human Design, we live our designs in harmony. We got married in 2023 in… can you guess?! Scotland 🖤
☾ Mumford and Sons or Ed Sheeran are definitely my most listened to Spotify artist.
☾ I break out in spontaneous dance parties, I can’t help it. I also make up songs for things I’m doing. So life with me is kind of like being in a musical.
☾ My left lung collapsed x 2… no one knows why, it baffles doctors and they constantly want to run new tests on me. I still climb mountains and run half marathons every chance I get.
>> Just because it’s comfortable, doesn’t mean it’s right. A life inside your comfort zone is truly the most uncomfortable of them all.
>> The power of one: One decision can change the entire course of your life.
>> The only constant in your life is you, in every chapter, messy middle and moment — there you are. The inner work is all you have. If these foundations are off, everything in your life will be off.
>> Purpose is not a destination, it’s an evolution. It is a conscious decision every single day. If you don’t follow the call you will continue to feel stuck.
>> I believe in real life magic, and it begins when you stop living for your problems and start creating solutions.
As seen in…
Media + Speaking

Megan has been featured in global publications, interviewed on podcasts, and spoken to audiences of women entrepreneurs from around the globe.
Her wisdom has been shared in: Tiny Buddha, The Ladies Coach, Elite Daily, The Turning Thirty Podcast, and more.
Want to book Megan to speak on your podcast, at your event or host a signature workshop in your space?
Head over to: Media + Speaking page here.
Have questions about a feature? Head to my Contact page to get in touch!
Professional Bio:
Megan Seamans is a certified Life & Energy Coach who helps big hearted humans create success without the stress of comfort zones, people pleasing, or burnout getting in the way. She teaches clients how to integrate their Human Design so they can balance out into life on purpose.
After helping hundreds of humans around the globe, Megan’s been named the Clarity Queen as her coaching helps crystallize their vision into reality, no overwhelm required. Centered on ease, she loves holding space for clients to get unstuck and finally live their full story.
You’ll find Megan sharing her joy and wisdom on places like Tiny Buddha, Elite Daily, and numerous podcasts.
When Megan is not coaching, you might find her on an airplane off to somewhere new. 📍 Currently in: Florida, USA