As I sit and stare at the black tv screen that says “Do you wish to continue watching?” I realize how long I’ve been watching Netflix and I start to feel bad. But why? Why do I feel bad when this is relaxing me? I know it’s not yoga or a bubble bath or a run on the beach or journaling by the lake. Or any of the things that you’re supposed to do to relax yourself. But it is relaxing me and I am feeling a little recharged. 
It’s okay to binge on Netflix for a little or eat a cupcake (or two…. But maybe stop there because from experience 3-4 might make you sick) or take that 40 minute nap at 2pm. It’s okay! And don’t shame yourself for it! 

Do something to make yourself happy everyday. I told myself this at the beginning of the year and I was thinking; man, I’m really failing at this, I haven’t gone on a run every day or had a healthy balanced meal each time or gone to a hot yoga class. But I have watched some good movies, had just a few extra minutes in bed in the morning, ate an extra cookie one day, taken some good cat naps, watched the ducks from my back porch and did some (mildly excessive) online shopping. And all of those things made me happy and that is just fine. 

Now, don’t take out of this; well Megan said I can spend the day watching season one of Orange is the New Black and sleep the afternoon away and have donuts for breakfast everyday this week. 

No. Because in the midst of my indulging I created not only one successful business but began my own journey in another business while maintaining nannying my FAVORITE kiddos in the whole world. It’s all about balance. And keeping myself happy and energized is all part of it! If I don’t I think I would be majorly sleep deprived, I would be in insane information overload and I just might go crazy. Everyone needs a little recharge.


What do you like to do to keep yourself recharged?!